Friday 14 August 2015

RPGaDay2015: Open the Pod Bay Door, Hal!

13. Favourite RPG Podcast?

There are several that I'm a big fan of, but my favourite is probably...

I look for a few things in an RPG podcast, principally interesting content (check!), but I also feel like if you're investing time in a podcast you should like the people whose voices you're spending time with. Notwithstanding political differences with the erudite Mr. Hite, Ken & Robin are guys that I like to hang out with and spend time listening to their stories. I like hearing about them talk about games, history, politics, and especially food. Both Ken & Robin are foodies, and they never fail to get my attention when they talk about good eats.

I also enjoy the RPPR Actual Play podcast, which occasionally has dodgy audio, but always seems to feature games that I wish I was playing; Narrative Control, which often talks about ideas in gaming that I feel are closest to my own interests; and Ryan Macklin's Master Plan, which features great interviews with industry professionals.

Also, I did a podcast with my friends that you might enjoy, if you like the stuff I usually talk about on this blog. We've kind of podfaded for now, but you never know - we may return to it one day. Perhaps to do actual play stuff. But that's pie in the sky for now.

Also: Not actually an RPG podcast, but if you enjoy the classic sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati and a lot of weird tangents about history, occultism, and whatever else tickles their twisted brains, you should check out my friend Rob's podcast Hold My Order, Terrible Dresser.

14. Favourite RPG accessory?

Probably dice. I love dice, especially Fate dice...

I'd also like to go on the record for being an advocate of GM screens, though. A lot of people seem to think they're passe, or old fashioned, or (God help me!) a "barrier" between players and the GM. I think that's a pile of horseshit. They're a reference, nothing more, and often they have boss art on them, like this...

or this...

or this...

I love 'em.

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